Two EU countries share Hungary’s position on Russia

Two EU Member States agree with Viktor Orbán that one of the European Union’s primary goals should be to achieve a ceasefire and peace negotiations.

Hungary, Italy, and Cyprus agree that a ceasefire and peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine should be one of the European Union’s priorities. But other Member States are urging a tough line on Russia.

EU summit

Reuters got a sneak peek at the 19 May draft of the final declaration for the EU summit on 30 and 31 May, reports. The document states that the European Union is

“unwavering in its commitment to help Ukraine exercise its inherent right of self-defence against the Russian aggression,”

however, it does not mention peace negotiations.

Reuters has learned from EU delegates at last Friday’s meeting that the Italian ambassador is proposing changes to the text. These changes were then backed by Hungary and Cyprus. The Italian suggestion is that the document should include a reference to peace talks, with an immediate ceasefire as one of the main objectives.

Opposing views from Hungary and Cyprus

As is well known, Hungary opposes the EU’s oil embargo, while Cyprus opposes a draft that would ban Russian citizens from buying property in Cyprus. But other Member States, Reuters reports, are calling for tough action against Russia. The Baltic countries and Poland are the most committed supporters of this approach.

Latvia, for example, has called for even clearer language on military support to Ukraine.

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen herself, took a hardline stance in her speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos:

“Ukraine must win this war, and Putin’s aggression must be a strategic failure,”

she said.

Sanctions on Russian oil

Hungary has long taken the position that it cannot support the oil embargo in its current form. Thus, it is forced to use its veto power in the absence of adequate safeguards. As writes, Orbán does not even want to discuss the proposal at next week’s EU summit, a decision made clear to Charles Michel.

“[Negotiating a sanctions package] would only highlight our internal divisions without giving us a realistic chance to resolve our differences. I therefore propose that the next European Council should not address this issue,”

Hungarian PM Orbán wrote in a letter to the president of the European Council.

Source: Reuters,,


  1. Regarding the oils sanction, Hungary is playing with fire and might well get its fingers burned. “Hungary is seen as being in a vulnerable position as the Druzhba – which translates as “friendship” – pipeline runs through Ukraine. A senior Ukrainian official described the part of the pipeline running to Hungary as “great leverage” last week. Olena Zerkal, an adviser to Ukraine’s energy minister, said it would be “very appropriate if something happened to this pipeline,”
    One ‘accidental’ missile from either the Russian or probably the Ukrainian army and then that’s it, game over for any oil for Hungary through the Druzhba. If Orbán thinks that only he can blackmail other countries, he can think again.

  2. Pipe line that supplies Hungary goes through Bulgaria and Turkey. Since there supply of oil/gas is guaranteed, the supplier should not be changed.

  3. @marievontheresa, you are so out of touch. Must be all that living in Canada. Bulgaria has been in the EU since 2007 and agreed to the sanctions. Secondly, the Druzhba does not supply Turkey (which in any case is not a member of the EU). Thirdly, the Druzhba supplies Hungary directly mainly through the Druzhba 2 pipeline which is a branch off the main Druzhba beginning in Uzhgorod in Ukraine and supplies the Duna and Tisza refineries. As usual, you have not done your research..

  4. Victor Orban – continues to DAMAGE the brand name Hungary.
    Hungary, under this Government, led by the Prime Minister – Victor Orban continues to place this country in a precarious un-stable position in the European Union.
    Decisions that are daily coming out of this present Hungarian Government, that has continued to grow, giving clear indication that we are witnessing, a Government in CRISIS.
    This Government continues to “Veil” – not disclosing that it is in an Economic & Financial – MESS.
    They expect – companies large, that recently made GREAT profits – to pay into the Utility Protection and Defence – Government established Funds.
    This Government publicly use the word OBLIGE in referance to companies paying into these (2) two funds – which is another DANGEROUS policy & agenda direction, set upon by this present Government.
    Oblige – the Concise Oxford Dictionary definition of this word :
    “make (someone) legally or morally bound to do something”.
    The Governments “tone” in these funds expectation of compliance by companies – that are NOT run nor controlled Head Quartered – from the land of Hungary, but “other” places – especially in the car manufacturing industry – will they OBLIGE ???
    In probability this is a SOFTNER by this Government, in its NEED or endeavour to raise money.
    The next phase of this Governments agenda that will occur in the not to distant future will be on the Citizens of Hungary.
    Citizens pockets – will be attacked and expected to contribute in an effort – to enable this Government or Hungary – to SURVIVE.
    Financially & Economically – we as a country Hungary – are in DEEPENING Water and that is – Scary.

  5. The next real V4 meeting should be interesting. Appears that, under our presidency of the Visegrad Group, only peripheral, non-obtrusive events are planned, perhaps avoiding Mr. Orbán’s fear of “highlighting our internal divisions”?

    As Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger said at the World Economic Forum: “They (Ukraine) have to win,” He then went on to criticize members of the European Union for relying too heavily on Russian energy. He urged leaders to “stop compromising” their principles when dealing with Russia.

    Here is the kicker for our Politicians: “We basically traded our values for cheap gas and oil for too long,” …

  6. Speaking of V4, according to The Guardian, a senior Polish diplomat said they could not understand the logic of Budapest’s policy on Ukraine and described opposition to the oil embargo as political rather than technical. “They have received everything that is technically reasonable,” they said

    Holding out for more EU handouts to make up for our deficit and claim another Victory against the Brussels Bureaucrats?

  7. Becoming an increasing un-workable relationship or membership that Hungary, under there Prime Minister – Victor Orban, has FORGED with the European Union.
    Hungary – under its present Government, growing in its separation from the European Union, which, in its present and possible long term Economic & Financial strong downward trend, is playing a Dangerous & Losing game.
    If the European Union give a handout to Hungary, the chances are NIL, created by and caused by the regine in Hungary under the Leager of the Fidesz Party and current Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban, who continues to display having no respect nor – NO interest – in remaining nor in being Hungary – a member of the countrys of the European Community.
    WHO are the FRIENDS of Hungary other than Russia & China ? – that under the agenda style of Government, would work with the Government of Hungary and in FACT stand by them, and evan assist BAILING them Hungary out of the deepening Economic & Financial black hole they are DECENDING ???
    Citizens of Hungary – population of 9.6 million, are paying and will pay a heavier price – for the agenda and direction, being ALLOWED to be undertaken pursued by there present Government.
    History – does tell us, in fact it never LIES, that populations can reverse from being told by Governments what to do or there WRONGS.
    Populations in History – have turned the tables on Governments and told them of there WRONGS, and bought about CHANGE – for there Future and of the Country.
    Could this HAPPEN in Hungary ?
    DO the population of Hungary – not see and feel – they are under a dictatorial styled “veiled” system of Democracy, that in FACT, continues to STRIP away remove from them – the “freezed” position they are in, to act and bring about change ?
    Hungary – needs to – the population needs to – reassess re-think URGENTLY – the DIRECTION – it is being DRIVEN into – by its present Government in POWER, under the Prime Minister – Victor Orban.
    Deepening and harder Challenging times – are ahead for the citizens people of Hungary.

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